Oxford Township Committee Meeting Synopsis for meeting held May 21, 2003 At the May 21, 2003 meeting of the Mayor and Committee of the Township of Oxford, The committee received bids for the sale of the former municipal building, on Wall St., Oxford. The high bid was $116,001.00 The committee adopted Ordinance #2003-4 on second reading following public hearing, adjusting the fee schedule for the Land Use Board meeting applications and various variance reviews. The committee tables action on the Organic Aggregate matter until the June 2003 meeting. The Committee approved the hookup of a sewer line to the Township system. Two resolutions as recommended by the Chief Financial Officer were approved by the Committee. The Committee amended the contract with Coachlight Partners. Representatives from Woodmont appeared before the Committe to discuss their subdivision before the land Use Board. The contract for the Route 31 Sewer Connections was awarded to Montana Construction.