The regular scheduled meeting of the Mayor and Committee of the Township of Oxford was held on February 16, 2005 in the Oxford Township Municipal building, 11 Green Street, Oxford New Jersey.
In attendance were Mayor Alex Lazorisak, Phil Rosenberg, Angelo Accetturo, Kevin Benbrook, and Bill Gleda.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Lazorisak at 7:35 PM who announced that the meeting had properly advertised in compliance with the OPMA of 1975.
The flag salute was recited.
The Mayor made an announcement that the Workshop Meeting last night was cancelled and tonight the Township Meeting may run late.
On motion by Mr. Accetturo, seconded by Mayor Lazorisak and passed unanimously on roll call vote, the minutes of the January 18 and 19, 2005 meetings were approved.
ORDINANCE 2005-01- Local Government CAP Law was read by the Mayor by title only and opened for public hearing. There being no comments concerning Ordinance 2005-01, the Mayor declared the public hearing closed. On motion by Mr.Rosenberg, seconded by Mr. Accetturo and passed unanimously on roll call vote, Ordinance 2005-01 was adopted.
Resolution 2005-13 � Redemption of Lien � Phoenix Funding, Inc. was adopted on motion by Mr. Rosenberg, seconded by Mr. Accetturo and passed unanimously on roll call vote.
Resolution 2005-14 � Designating Charges for Notices to Individuals and News Media was adopted on motion by Mr. Rosenberg, seconded by Mr. Accetturo. Mayor Lazorisak voted No.
Resolution 2005-15 � State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Green Acres Enabling Resolution was adopted on motion by Mr. Accetturo, seconded by Mr. Rosenberg and passed unanimously on roll call vote.
On motion by Mr. Rosenberg, seconded by Mayor Lazorisak and passed unanimously on roll call vote, the PTO 50/50 drawings and raffles to be held on April 29, 2005 and October 1, 2005 were approved.
The Tax Collector�s report for taxes and sewers dated February 16, 2005 was submitted and approved.
The New Jersey State Payment Voucher for the Municipal Stormwater Regulation Program has been approved and submitted to the NJDEP Budget and Management Office. A payment of $3,750 will be made by direct deposit to Oxford Township Operating Account.
Received a letter from the County of Warren, Department of Public Safety, Office of Emergency Management stating that Oxford Township will be receiving $7,615.18 from FEMA for damages from flooding due to Hurricane Ivan. The Committee commended Lou Accetturo and Rick Calabrese for doing a great job and applying for this grant.
On motion by Mr. Rosenberg, seconded by Mr. Accetturo and passed unanimously on roll call vote, the Committee approved the 2005 Municipal Alliance Contract for $3,485.00
Bill Gleda of Finelli�s Consulting explained the speed limits on Wall Street, Lower Denmark, and Pequest Road. In September, 2002, the Township Committee, DOT and Mike Finelli had a meeting to discuss this subject and our Ordinance 2002-07, designates the speed that is allowed on these streets.
Bill Gleda discussed the grant proposal of the Quentzel property. A public hearing will be held on April 6, 2005 at the Oxford Municipal Building, 11 Green Street, Oxford, New Jersey. Also received correspondence from DOT about a Trust Application for paving, reconstruction, and curbing. He will look into this application further.
Kevin Benbrook stated he was in touch with Jerry Quentzel about the Quentzel property and explained to him that closing on the property is continent on the grant. Kevin and Bob Benbrook are looking into the Township�s Certificate of Deposit at Skyland�s Bank.
Mayor Lazorisak asked if the electric was disconnected from the house on 15 Route 31. The Department of Public Works is going to demolish this abandoned house. Bill Gleda will send a letter to Jersey Central Power and Light to get conformation from them that the electric was disconnected.
Kevin Benbrook will research the title of the land on Church Street that the Emergency Squad would like to acquire. Bob Benbrook will meet with the Squad about their By-Laws
Public Comments:
Peggy Niece stated that behind her house on Mt. Pisgah and Lincoln Avenue where the new ball fields will be this spring, that there is ATV�S riding on the property. She asked that the police patrol this area weekday afternoons and on Sundays 5 PM to 7 PM.
The Committee will tell Lou Accetturo to post No Trespassing Signs and will inform the police of this problem.
Bill Griffith had a question about drainage on the ball fields. Bill Gleda reassured him that there are plans and will report further on this at the next Township Meeting.
Chris Podaryski of White Township had concerns about the extra truck traffic that Organic Aggregates will create on Route 31. Mr. Rosenberg stated that there will be twelve more trucks and the route they will take will be Jensen Drive to Mt. Pisgah to Quarry Road. Oxford Township will be receiving ratable from Organic Appregates.
Mr. Rosenberg asked that letters be sent to the Recycling Committee to meet on February 26, 2005 at 10:00 AM at the Municipal Building to discuss recycling and to tour Jim Popinko�s plant if weather permits.
There being no further public comment, on motion by Mayor Lazorisak and seconded by Mr. Rosenberg, the Committee went into Executive Session at 9:15 PM to discuss PRMUA and the Police Contract. The Committee discussed giving a payment to PRMUA.
The meeting reconvened at 10:05 PM.
On motion by Mr. Accetturo and seconded by Mr. Rosenberg and passed unanimously on roll call vote, the Mayor was authorized to release $75,000 to PRMUA in payment of back charges.
The Committee authorized releasing the following bills that were withheld at the January 18, 2005 Workshop Meeting:
Check # 128 Lab Safety Supply
Check # 150 Ray�s Sport Shop
Check # 154 S&L Equipment
Check # 164 T&E Computers
Check # 165 T&E Computers
The Committee reviewed the February 2005 Bill List and vouchers. The following bills were withheld for payment:
Check #186 Burdge�s Auto
Check #235 Schoor DePalma
Check #241 Structural Metal
On motion by Mr. Rosenberg, seconded by Mayor Lazorisak and passed unanimously on roll call vote, the remainder of the bills were approved for payment.
On motion by Mayor Lazorisak, seconded by Mr. Accetturo, the meeting was adjourned at l0:35 PM.